RumiNation | S04 : E04
Application of Precision Nutrition on Dairy Systems
Brought to you by Jefo Nutrition
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Our guest - Dr. Abdallah Zankar
Dr. Abdullah Zanker is a veterinarian with a master’s in veterinary science and obstetrics and gynecology and dairy cows. His love for the rumen animal brought him to study veterinary medicine in Russia. Dr. Zankar spent several years as a solo vet and private practice in Lebanon. He then emigrated to Canada, where he joined Jefo Nutrition, and today he is the global VP of sales.

Timestamps & Summary
Tell me what you see as some of the key impacts of adopting precision, nutrition approach.
Dr. Abdallah Zankar
Precision nutrition is a way to make an animal use a diet and the nutrients in a more efficient way. How can we make these animals use the feed efficiently? This is the main target behind every farmer, every nutritionist, that is working today in the feed industry. Understanding this, we will need to be sure that we are feeding the right quality of feed and that ensured the absorption of these nutrients. […]
When we talk about absorption, there are different innovative ways that we’re delivering nutrients today to the lower intestinal tract and I’m wondering if you could expand a bit more on that concept and on how it relates to delivering a more precise diet to ruminants.
Dr. Abdallah Zankar
If we talk about ourselves her at Jefo. We have a technology that we have been testing for 25-30 years, and we have been successfully using it on the market. A small example: A product contains B vitamins or enzymes. This product is used in lactating cows, three grams per cow per day, 1.5 grams of these enzymes affecting an animal of 600-700 kilograms. And this is converting to around 5% feed efficiency, feed efficiency, to 3.3 to 5% more milk production. 50 grams of protein. 40 grams of fat and 20% less culling rates and expecting 9% to 10% less emissions. This is a huge three grams of products. So, I think the future will be in these technologies.
What are some of the key points you would like to leave with the audience today, when it comes to the subject of more precisely meeting the nutrient requirements of the ruminant animal?
Dr. Abdallah Zankar
I think in the coming years to be good is not enough. The challenge that we are having today in the feed industry and in the animal industry is huge. And that future will also be challenging. If we look at profitability, it has to be extraordinary. So good, as I said, is not enough. We have to be extraordinary in the future. Consumers today are not like before; they are much smarter. They look at us, and they look at the animal industry. They look at our cows, they want to know what these cows are eating, they want to know what we are injecting these cows, what we are feeding them. […] So, we have to be smarter. And we also have to look at how we can make these cows deliver and give a safe product. Safe milk. Safe meat. It’s important, the safety of the food. This is the number one thing I want to raise and give to our attendees today. […]